Please read and follow the reminders below to help ensure our student's safety and make student arrival and dismissal as efficient as possible.
There are 2 lanes at the carpool drop-off area between the cones and signs.
Passing at a crosswalk is not permitted while vehicles are stopped. This is a state law. You must wait in one of the 2 lanes until the vehicles in front of you have cleared.
Please be aware of pedestrians in the crosswalk at all times, and instruct your students to exit and cross in front of your vehicle to walk to the crosswalk so they don't walk in front of other vehicles.
Carpool pickup is ONLY in the lower parking lot. Students may not be picked up from anywhere else on campus. This is a safety measure for your student(s) as they exit your vehicle and campus access for emergency vehicles.
If you arrive before 3 pm, please park in any open parking space or pull to the end of the lower parking lot close to Bus Road and keep to your left. We cannot block Bearden Rd. and need space on the right for vehicles to pass.
There are only 2 pick-up lanes between the carpool signs. Please pull your vehicle to the left to give space for a passing lane on the right. The right side of the parking lot is a passing lane during afternoon pick-up.
Once you have your student(s), pass on the right to exit the lower parking lot, turning right onto Bus Rd. Please be mindful of pedestrian traffic, especially at the crosswalk, and for vehicles exiting parking spaces.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school at 205-624-3701. Our priority is safety, and our goal is to make drop-off and pick-up as quick and easy as we can.