Media Center Information


Library Media Center

Contact: Daria Howard, Library Media Specialist
[email protected]  
(205) 624-3701  

Our library houses over 12,000 different materials for teachers and students to utilize. Please use the links below to access our library catalog, databases, E-Books, and other important websites.

LMC Twitter- @phslibrarymedia Twitter                                            LMC Snapchat- phslibrarymedia Snap Chat


Can't find a book in PHS Destiny or Sora (OverDrive)? You can also check Pelham Public Library!

Didn't see a book you need or want to read in our Media Center or ebook/audiobook selections? Please use the form below to request it! (NOTE: This is a suggestion box.)

new book request

Read a great book lately? Leave a quick book review for others and Mrs. Howard will get the word out for you! 

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